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Ribbon Pull




1.Cut ribbons to desired length. I cut mine long enough to stick out of the cup

2. Put the ribbons in the cup

3. Hand it to your kid and let them explore

It can't get much easier than that.

Please do. not. stress about having different types of textures in this ribbon pull. Look around and see what you have on hand. I just happened to have ribbons with different types of textures in my craft box. I pick things up at Target Dollar Spot and save ribbons from gifts for stuff like this. Any type of ribbon, shoe lace, pipe cleaner that can be pulled out of the cup will entertain your kid.

Why I like it

  • Easy to make

  • Can use materials you have at home

  • Small enough to travel with!

  • Practices fine motor skills

Additional options

  • Use tulle (Amazon)instead of ribbon

  • Tie ribbons (or fabric) together to make one long one for child to pull.

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