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DIY Maracas




  • Easter eggs (get some here on Amazon)

  • Beads, beans or some sort of noisy filler (get some here on Amazon)

  • 2 spoons per maraca

  • Tape (find fun washi tape on Amazon)

*As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases


  1. Fill easter eggs with noisy fillers.

  2. Place the filled easter egg between the "bowl" part of the spoon.

  3. Wrap tape around the spoons, sandwiching the egg in the middle.

  4. Wrap tape two more times around the middle and bottom of the spoon handles for extra support.

  5. Shake your worries away!


Why I like this

  • Few materials

  • Low prep

  • Kids enjoy filling the eggs

  • Fun and festive way to celebrate Cinco De Mayo

  • Music and Movement

If you try this make sure to tag #hbeforeg

Stay sane mommas! We got this!


This post inspired by gardenbeesandhoneybees



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