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Remote Control Car Art


We drew with regular toy cars and pull back cars a few weeks ago. I taped a marker to the back of a car and let them at it. It was fun! BUT we one up'd ourselves with today's activity!

When these paint sticks were delivered I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I wanted to try them with a remote control car!


  • Cardboard or butcher paper (get some paper here on Amazon)

  • Remote control car- I like this one because its not toooooooo fast and it spins in place. It is easy to control. Great for toddlers! (get the newer version of mine here on Amazon)

  • Paint sticks (get some similar to mine here on Amazon)

  • Tape (get some here on Amazon)

*As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. Put down butcher paper or cardboard.

  2. Tape the paint stick to the back of the car. I like using paint sticks that have a twist that will push up the paint as you need more. It acts like a glue stick or lipstick would. That way I could just twist the stick and push out more of the paint instead of un taping the whole thing and adjusting the position back on the car like you would have to do with a crayon.

  3. Let your kids have fun creating art! In my house with two kids sharing one car, we took turns. Each kid got 3 minutes to drive the car with the color of their choice. My son has a much faster remote control monster truck that we plan to use with chalk outside- if it ever stops raining!

Why I like it

  • It switches things up! I love finding new ways to do an activity like painting or coloring

  • "Painting" without the mess (or very little)

  • Sparks creativity

  • Few supplies

Check out another painting activity

Stay sane mommas! We got this!



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