This idea came to me as I was trying to think of something to do with our new activity table. The kids love magnets and they love playing with water. Boom.
We actually have a magnetic fishing bath toy I could have used, but we only have one fishing pole for 2 kids. And I wanted to make this as simple as possible for everyone at home without a toy fishing set.
I used magnetic chips and ring magnets from my favorite magnet lab set. Get it here on Amazon.
*As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.

Make the fishing pole. Poke a hole at the end of the straw, thread string through the hole and tie a knot. At the other end of the string attach the magnet. A ring magnet is best in this case. You could also try to use the letter "O" from an alphabet magnet set.
Fill the plastic tub with water, drop in your paperclips and magnetic chips and fish away. Put the "fish" in a bowl as you go.
Count the fish when finished.
If you have more than one type of magnetic item to fish (paper clips and magnetic chips), you could also incorporate a sorting task into different bowls.
Why I like this
Its super engaging
Its messy (kids like messy) but a "clean messy" with easy cleanup
Few materials
Works with hand eye coordination
Practices sorting
Practices counting
Great time killer :)

Check out my other sensory activities
Looking for other magnet activities?
Stay sane mommas! We got this!