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Keeping Connections during Quarantine


Updated: Apr 11, 2020

Last week my mom mentioned she wanted to do a tutorial with Harris over FaceTime. YES. PLEASE. Anything to take up some time during the afternoon. We had so much fun that we have now done many video chat tutorials with family and friends. The tutor gives me a heads up with what they want to teach him so I can prepare the materials. Then we set a time, usually during Greer's nap. It has been SO FUN and a great way to stay connected with our loved ones during this time of isolation.

Keep scrolling to find 25 How-To Video Ideas you can do with your littles over video chat.


  1. Fold napkins into shapes-Susu taught us how to make a napkin turtle

  2. Draw-Cousin Ky Ky taught us how to draw Olaf. Uncle Alex taught him how to draw a self portrait.

  3. Make a snack- Pat Pat taught us how to make the classic snack "Ants on a Log" and plans to do another to make peanut butter and jelly sushi rolls

  4. Braid- My sweet friend Abby taught him how to braid with pipe cleaners

  5. Make salt dough ornaments- Susu taught us how to make easter ornaments with salt dough.

  6. Properly set a table

  7. Play a song on the piano- Or any instrument

  8. Make paper airplanes

  9. Sing a song in a different language

  10. Paint- or any craft like Paper Mache

  11. Tie a shoe- or tie a tie or tie a knot

  12. Plant a seed- or how to weed the garden

  13. Fold laundry

  14. Do yoga, a (tik tok) dance or workout

  15. Make jewelry-with string and beads (bead alternatives: cereal, pasta noodles) or braid with pipe cleaners, string..etc

  16. Do a science experiment

  17. Sew

  18. Origami

  19. Floss- like your teeth. or the dance :)

  20. Write thank you notes

  21. Dust- or clean windows with window spray

  22. Wrap a present

  23. Bake - fudge, cake, brownies, anything

  24. Make popsicles- with Kool-Aid

  25. Make chalk art

Thank you to all of my friends and family who have done a tutorial or are planning one with Harris. This has been great.

Leave a comment below with any other ideas that would be fun to do with friends and family over a video call during the quarantine.

Stay sane mommas! We got this!


Looking for other activities to do with your child? Check out my SIT BESIDE ME activities for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.


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