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Everything but the kitchen sink sort


I love a good sensory bin. I call this sensory activity the "Everything but the kitchen sink sort" because I just threw random things I could find into the bucket ('everything but the kitchen sink'), gave them random utensils, some that wouldn't even be really that useful (critical thinking) and asked them to sort it back out without touching the pieces with their hands. I used to do similar activities like this when I was a 5th grade science teacher. There are so many ways to do it, but here is how I did it this time.


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  • A container to mix them in (Get one here on Amazon)

  • Bowls or other containers to sort the pieces into. One container per filler. For example, I had 4 different types of fillers mixed together, so I needed 4 bowls.

Fillers I used

You can use whatever materials you have on hand. Here are some that I used this time.

  • Expired quinoa dried pasta.

  • Assorted buttons (get some here on Amazon)

  • Magnetic alphabet letters (get some here on Amazon). I like to use something magnetic in sorting bins like this.

  • Duplo legos (get some here on Amazon)

Other Filler Ideas

  • Popsicle sticks (Amazon)

  • Beads (Amazon)

  • Paperclips

  • Coins

  • Pingpong balls

  • Cotton balls, Qtips

  • Pom balls

  • Dried beans or rice

  • Pipe cleaners (get it on Amazon)

TIP: I like to include something magnetic

Sorting Tools I used

  • Tongs (get kid friendly tools here on Amazon)

  • Measuring cups

  • Tweezers

  • Magnetic wands (get my favorite magnetic set here on Amazon)

  • Assortment of spoons (soup, punchbowl, mixing, serving, teaspoon)

  • Playdoh- great for picking up small buttons (get it here on Amazon)

  • Funnel

(Get kid friendly fine motor tool set here on Amazon)

Other sorting tool ideas

  • Spatula

  • Lint roller

  • Tape

  • Dropper

  • Medicine oral syringe

  • Strainer


  1. Combine all the "fillers" in to the container and mix them together.

  2. Set out bowls or containers for them to sort the fillers into.

  3. Instruct your child to sort out all the pieces into the different bowls WITHOUT grabbing the pieces with their hands. Give them a variety of utensils/tools as options. I like to give them a few tools that don't necessarily make a lot of sense so they use critical thinking skills.

  4. Option: you could play a song or two and tell them to finish sorting by the end of the song.

Why I love this activity

  • You can throw any random things together. Literally WHATEVER you have.

  • Kids use critical thinking skills when they assess the tools and try to use them.

  • Practices fine motor skills.

  • Practices sorting and grouping.

  • I love putting in a magnetic item because they will learn, that not all things are magnetic and it is an easy and efficient way to pick out the items that are.

If you have done a sorting activity like this. Please share! I'd love to see it.

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