What is this website thing you made? Why should I look at it?

Hi, welcome to this not-so-random idea I've been thinking about but finally started on a whim. You may notice the date on this post was made over a year ago. Yes! I started this website in March 2019 but never made it happen...until now.
I don't have time to blog, but I like sharing things I find. Sharing is caring. We are all in this together.
Here are my goals for this website.
1. Share activities I have found, tried and liked.
I'm not the first mom to have a website sharing activities. I know. My goal is to take the plethora of ideas out there and narrow it down to the ones I have done and like the best, adding some tips, tricks and links along the way. MOST of the things I will share, I learned somewhere else or modified an idea to make it my own.
2. Easy and fast information.
After this blog post, anything I share will be short and easy-to-process information. You will not find long blog posts explaining what I had for breakfast and how my day is going before you actually get to the content you came looking for. Ain't no momma got time for that.
3. Share things I like in general.
I love my kids, doing things with them and taking cute pictures of them. I also like being creative. Using my brain in this way is something I look forward to.
Those three goals can all fit under the main umbrella goal which is to help other moms. It takes a village; let's be a village. We are all in this together.
Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if there are certain things you want to see on this space.
Stay sane, mommas. We got this.